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TMC Continues to Grow and Support Local Musicians in 2018!!!

Hi Everyone,

First off, I want to thank all of the TMC Members who came out to play or support the Tucson Musicians Club at our February 2018 Monthly Meeting. I believe we raised $65!! That's awesome!! Thank you to everyone who helped out and contributed!

Shout Out to Gene, from Audio Eclipse for helping put the drums up in February! We really appreciate your help! And Thank You Trish for preparing the amazing barbecue dinner! And as always, Big Props to Sound Man Dave from Eastside Sound and Stage for making our acts sound so awesome!

Several old and new members signed up to play during March. It's an awesome feeling that more people are interested in the TMC which means that people are spreading the word! However, this also means that since we have so many new members who want to play, performances by the same bands will most likely not occur every month.

The TMC Board of Directors met and agreed that we will try to have as many "new" performers as possible play each month, and in fairness, those that did NOT play in the previous month will take priority. We also encourage those Members who are not playing in the current month to come to the Monthly Meetings to socialize, support the musicians who are playing, and to sign up for the next month's meeting. We are a tight-knit, small community of musicians and want to continue to grow the TMC. YOU make this possible, so keep coming to the meetings and sharing your ideas for how to make the Tucson Musicians Club better!

Remember, if the time your band is slated to play doesn't work with your schedule, you can ask if another member/group would be willing to switch times with you. If you are not included in the lineup for March, please make sure to come to the show on 3/26 to sign up for April. We will be bringing food again so if you'd like to help contribute to the food, please contact a board member (Amos, Emily, Gil, Frank, Trish, Debbie, or Joe). I'm not sure what food we will be serving yet but we can always use plates/napkins/utensils. No beverages please, we want everyone to purchase all their drinks from The Hut.

Thank you for continuing to support the TMC! We always look forward to seeing old and new friends at each show! For the members who will be performing in March, I will be sending you an email about what information I need to provide to our Sound Technician, Dave Ratzan.

Keep on Rockin',

Board of Directors

Tucson Musicians Club

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